Students in the SCSD were in the spooky spirit on Halloween today!
From parades, to pumpkin patches, to "spooky story readers," everyone had a spook-tacular time!
Popular costumes ranged from "Wednesday Adaams," to dinosaurs, superheroes and even a Rubick's Cube.
Among the stops Superintendent Secaur made was to Great Hollow Middle School to be a guest reader to sixth grade students.
Dr. Secaur read "The Hairy Toe" to eager, and slightly scared students. :)
Thank you to school librarian Deanna Jakubowsky for arranging the day of speakers.
And a special shout out to Mills Pond fifth grade students who delivered some Halloween cheer to the Luxor Nursing and Rehabilitation at Mills Pond.
Way to go!
Make sure to head to our SCSD Facebook page for tons of pictures!